Experience Guided Meditations with Me
These are a few of my favorite meditations to share with my clients. These are all adapted to my own style - however, I did not create these meditation scripts on my own. I have listed my sources below the playlist if you are curious to explore these ideas further.
self-compassion break -
Kristen Neff Ph.D
Self-compassion website: https://self-compassion.org/
Education, exercises/meditations, see how self-compassionate you are: https://self-compassion.org/test-how-self-compassionate-you-are/
3 point meditation -
Judith Blackstone Ph.D - meditation teacher and psychologist
progressive muscle relaxation - Davis, M., PhD. Eshelman, E., MSW, McKay, M., PhD. (2008). Progressive Relaxation. The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook (6th ed., pp. 41-46). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.